Develop your knowledge for portrait photography

Model Vera Eroshina

In order to be a better photographer you need to know where you´re going. And if you like to develop you´re creativeness you need to understand all the parts that you can influence!

I just love this picture for the moment as it is brand new. Things might develop in a different direction after a while but that´s the beauty of images.

Next month in March 19 I have put up a workshop in Hong Kong that will contain a great deal of basic and i like to think of it as quite advanced composition technique. Not because it is hard to understand ones you know it but more because of the fact that so many photographer basically don´t practise it with full awareness.

Learn more of this one day workshop here!

Model Shoot at inspiring street environments in Hong Kong March 19-2017

And here if you want to join in Stockholm on April 23!

Porträttfoto med modell On location i Stockholm

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