Möte med kameran i Paris


Mannen tittar med nyfiken blick på oss när vi passerar honom och jag hejar på svenska och han svarar på svenska 🙂

– Bonjour Marcus,

It was pleasure – and a surprise – to meet two Swedish speakers on the Canal de l’Ourq, Paris, today Saturday midday.
You both very kindly took pictures of me – with my cap! and the building where I live as background!!
Would be most grateful to receive copies of these pictures.
Tack så mycket 
Med vänliga hälsningar 

– Hej & god morgon Marcus,
Tack så mycket for the picture!
I sent a copy to my son (who works in Stockholm!) and this is what he wrote back:
There is a little feel of railwayman to it, really nice actually.
Many thanks again,
With all best wishes

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