Shooting Street you will probably move around a lot. You will probably have your favorit spots and areas where you always end up no matter what your original idea was. The idea of getting something on your sensor that day is driving you along with the lack of inspiration especially when your in the backyard of your hometown. On my last visit to HK I spotted many Street photographers hanging around a block or just at the corner of a block waiting for something coming there way. That´s probably good thinking in order to do quality pictures! I´v done it all and still do.
I for one definitely fell in love with the Trams in HK, but it took me some time to relies that when your feet was tired of walking you could actually ride one and shoot Street from the front seat upstairs 🙂
If you want to join me on my upcoming Street workshop in HK November 5 Follow this link above and learn more under Kurser (workshops)
Photographer Marcus Johansson