Street Photography photo workshop for locals today in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Street

Life on the street is reality’s meeting place. Something most people every now and then want to be involved in. I think that those who like street photography also love life and the meeting with other people. So much and many impressions that a walk in town can give in terms of energy or the feeling of being anonymously able to be a part of what is going on.

I look and see what the moment invites and sometimes I react to something. Colors, clothes or hairstyles, a lively discussion, something that calls attention beyond the ordinary, laughter and emotional expressions, A glance from someone who sees me, Warmth and atmosphere, cold hard light with a wet climate, Meeting with a dog that delights open-minded, Everyday things that confirm our behavioral patterns as people, Body holds that lead our thoughts in a certain direction about status and mood, City pulse that gets people to quirky actions, A big smile with a lot of teeth that allows you to pull up your own smile, buildings and environments that affect comfort or scare, Exciting light with dramatic shadows, vehicles and means of transport, Love that arises if only for a short micro meeting, All that somehow touches or leaves an imprint there and then..

Hong Kong Street
Hong Kong Street
Hong Kong Street
Hong Kong Street

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