Street photography workshop in Hong Kong March 18


Street photography is very much about timing. Most photography involving people are. But Street is not the same because it is seldom authorized. So I learned that people where I live in the western world create their own mind-ghost about how strangers in Street environments would react and behave towards you with a camera as a stranger to them.

If your mind-ghost are very naughty for that particular shooting moment that´s what your body language will project towards the stranger. Not a very good start.

I relies of course that this is nothing new for you guys out there but it seems that it is worth pointing out because although many of you keep doing it. So why is that? Well, I know for a fact how to deal with it allowing your Street photography to develop in a positiv direction getting closer to strange people. Which will of course give your viewers more contact and presens in to your images!

Learn more about my next workshop in Hong Kong below

Photographer Marcus Johansson
(Founder of Street photography workshops in Sweden and have been shooting Street since 1982)

Photo workshop Street photography in Hong Kong March 18 – 2017

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